Criteria for Meeting Endorsement

Athanasios J. Manolis, Krzysztof Narkiewicz, Sverre E. Kjeldsen, Renata Cifková, and Giuseppe Mancia for the ESH Council

The aim of the ESH is threefold:

  1. To disseminate the latest information regarding optimal approaches for diagnosis and management of hypertension
  2. To provide a forum for presentation of research by investigators
  3. To provide training and credentialing of hypertensive specialists

The ESH wishes to cooperate at various levels with the National and International Hypertension Societies that share its goals, and endorse international meetings related to hypertension and cardiovascular prevention and therapy with a balanced scientific content.

Endorsement will be given by the ESH to International Meetings or Symposia with international participation if they meet the following criteria:

  1. The application should be submitted in advance to give the ESH Council member(s) sufficient time to discuss the issue.
  2. The application needs to be accompanied by the scientific program of the meeting and the roster of the speakers. It also needs to be accompanied by a short history of the meeting(s) and the scientific program(s) of the previous meeting(s).
  3. An especially-assigned ESH Council member, who is not directly involved in the meeting activity, will handle the application. An early assessment will be given to meeting organisers, i.e. if the scientific meeting fulfils the above criteria the organisers will receive a preliminary endorsement from the ESH Council member,  the assessment will be submitted at the next ESH Council meeting for formal approval.
  4. Pre- or Post-Congress Satellite Symposia of the ESH meetings and ESH Teaching Faculty Symposia will be automatically endorsed.

Applications should be sent to:

Mandy Elgner
ESH Program Coordinator

ESH website:

All meetings endorsed by the ESH will be displayed on the Society’s website, so people from different countries may be informed in advance and decide whether they would like to participate.

Meetings Endorsed by ESH

The following meetings have been endorsed by the European Society of Hypertension:


1. Annual Meeting of the Netherlands Society of Hypertension “50 Years of Hypertension and Medicine” (50th Anniversary of the NSH), February 7, 2025 in Zeist, The Netherlands

2. 3rd International Congress on Hypertension in Children and Adolescents, May 8-10, 2025 in Warsaw, Poland


1. Workshop: “Deprescribing antihypertensive medications in older patients: Indications, risks, benefits and clinical practice”, February 2, 2024 in Nancy, France
This workshop is organized by the Federation Hospitalo-Universitaire on Cardiac and Arterial Aging (FHU-CARTAGE PROFILES). Hypertension FHU CARTAGE Prelinimary Program

2. 8th Hypertension School of the Hellenic Society of Hypertension, February 1 – 4, 2024 in Athens, Greece

3. Cardiometabolic & Venous Diseases Forum -Moving Towards Holistic Approach to patients with Multi-Morbidities,
May 25-26, 2024 in Dubrovnik, Croatia,

4. 11th Mediterranean Meeting on Hypertension and Atherosclerosis, April 25 – 28, 2024 in Antalya, Türkiye
Organized by S. Erdine on behalf of the Turkish Society of Hypertension and Atherosclerosis

5. 22nd National Hypertension and Cardiovascular Diseases Congress, May 3-5, 2024 in Izmir, Turkey

6. Highlights of Environmental Factors in Hypertension
Working Group on Environment in Hypertension – Satellite Symposium to the ESH 2024 Meeting in Berlin
The Satellite Symposium will take place in Krakow, Poland, 11-12 October, 2024. Organized by M. Rajzer


1. Hypertension in special conditions and comorbidities – new insights in the therapeutic approach – Webinars in collaboration with Menarini, January 24 & February 21, 2023

2. Hypertension-Cardio Course, supported by SERVIER in Bled, Slovenia, February 24-25, 2023

3. 7th Hypertension School organized by the Hellenic Hypertension Society in Athens Greece, April 5-7, 2023

4. The 21th National Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease Congress in Izmir, Turkey, May 5-7, 2023
21th Hypertension and Cardiovascular Diseases Congress | May 05th – 07th, 2023 | Grand Hotel Ontur, Çeşme (


1. Netherlands Hypertension Society Annual Meeting, Zeist (Netherlands), February 4, 2022

2. 6th Hypertension School, Hellenic Hypertension Society, Virtual, March 31-April 3, 2022

3. Argentine Society of Hypertension Satellite Symposium, Rosario (Argentina), April 7, 2022

4. Controversie in Cardiologia, Milan (Italy), April 29-30, 2022

5. 20th National Hypertension and Cardiovascular Diseases Congress, İzmir (Turkey), May 6-8, 2022


1.  Webinars GCC Cardiology Conference & Exhibition, March 25-27, 2021

2. Hellenic Society of Hypertension, 5th “Hypertension School” Athens (Virtual), April 21-25, 2021

3. Dutch Hypertension Society Annual Meeting (Hybrid), June 18, 2021


1. Controversie in Cardiologia, Milan (Italy), 14-15 February 2020

2. Serbian Association of Hypertension Annual Meeting – 7th National Congress of Hypertension, Belgrade (Serbia), 5-7 March 2020

3. Russian Society of Hypertension Annual Meeting – XVI All-Russian Meeting on Hypertension, Yaroslav (Russia), 11-12 March 2020

4. Merck World Heart Day Webinar, 29 September 2020


1. Menarini Asia Pacific 4th CardioConnect Conference, Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), 9 March 2019

2. 19th National Congress on Arterial Hypertension, Thessaloniki (Greece), 18-19 April 2019

3. 4th Clinical Update Sleep™ “Auxosleep Workshop”, Milan (Italy), 18 May 2019

4. ICHCA-The 2nd International Congress of Hypertension in Children and Adolescents, Warsaw (Poland), 24-26 May 2019

5. V ème Congres International, Oran (Algeria), 27-28 June 2019

6. 5th Nordic Baltic Region PhD Course, Gdańsk (Poland), 19-21 September 2019

7. 27th Congress of the Hungarian Society of Hypertension (HSH) on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection Siófok (Hungary), 19-21 September 2019

8. PCM 2019 – Patient Centered Meeting On Diabetes, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Vienna (Austria),  October 31-November 2, 2019


1. 1st Joint ESH-HSH Session 26th Annual Congress of the Hungarian Society of Hypertension on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, Siófok (Hungary), 20-22 September 2018

2. 2018 World Heatlh Summit Meeting (Stroke & Preventable Dementia), Berlin (Germany), 14-16 October 2018

3. Uric Acid and Cardiometabolic Disease: From Bench to Bedside, Bologna (Italy), 13-14 November 2018

4. 1st North Eastern Postgraduate Course “Arterial Stiffness and Vascular Aging”, Vilnius (Lithuania), 15-16 November 2018

5. Hellenic Society 3rd Hypertension School, Athens (Greece), 29 November-2 December 2018


1. Update on hypertension and cardiovascular protection, Brescia (Italy), 12-14 January 2017

2. Cardioconnect ASIA-PACIFIC, 1 April 2017

3. Lithuania forum on hypertension, 31 March-1 April 2017

4. Age and Gender Factors in Hypertension, 21-22 April 2017


1. 2nd Gulf Hypertension Conference, Dubai (U.A.E.), 27-28 January 2016

2. Diastole Diseased DD-2016, Pisa (Italy), 3-5 March 2016

3. 4th International Conference on Prehypertension, Hypertension and Cardiometabolic Syndrome, Venice (Italy), 3-6 March

4. ESH Master Course, Marrakesh (Morocco), 30 September-1 October 2016

5. International Symposium: Strategies to Redue Morbidity and Premature CV Mortality in Latin America, 17-18 October 2016

6. 4th India Risk Factor Symposium, 22-23 October 2016

7. International Symposium: Uric Acid Cardiovascular Disease: Back to Pathophysiology, 1-3 December 2016

8. Salt, Hypertension and Stroke, 2-3 December 2016


1. International Symposium on Management of Cardiometabolic Risk and Healthy Aging, Brescia (Italy), 15-17 January 2015

2. First Gulf Hypertension Conference, Dubai (U.A.E.), 26-27 Janaury 2015

3. 9th International Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk, Portuguese Society of Hypertension, Vilamoura,
Algarve (Portugal), 26 February-1 March 2015

4. Cardiology-Innovations Toward the Future, Bangkok (Thailand), 26-27 March 2015

5. Master Class on Microcirculation, Rhodes (Greece), 29-30 April 2015

6. 3rd India Risk Factor Symposium Goa (India), 2-3 October 2015

7. Algerian Congress on Hypertension, Alger (Algeria), 24-25 October 2015

8. ESH Practical Intensive Course on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk, Almaty (Kazakhstan), 30-31 October 2015

9. Arterial Stiffness and Early Vascular Aging, 4th Edition, Braga (Portugal), 18-19 November 2015

10. Lithuanian Forum on Hypertension, Vilnius (Lithuania), 20-21 November 2015

11. International Symposium on the Complexity of the Management of Hypertension and its Comorbidities, Barcelona (Spain),
26-28 November 2015

12. First National  Meeting on Fibromuscular Dysplasia, Brussels (Belgium), 12 December 2015

13. Educational Project: Experience, Barcelona (Spain), Prof. Antonio Coca


1. 7th Central European Meeting on Hypertension and 4th Serbian Society of Hypertension Meeting, Belgrade (Serbia), 20-23
March 2014

2. Arterial Stiffness and Early Vascular Ageing, Minho (Portugal), 2-4 April 2014

3. ESGCO 2014 Meeting, Fai della Paganella, Trento (Italy), 28-31 May 2014

4. Facts and Doubts in Hypertension, 3rd Congress of the Romanian Society of Hypertension, Bucharest (Romania), 18-20
September 2014

5. Artery 14, Maastricht (Netherlands), 9-11 October 2014

6. From Gout to Cardiovascular Disease: a central role for uric acid, Bologna (Italy), 6-8 November 2014

7. Third International Symposium on Hypertension ISHOP3 – Translational Medicine in Hypertension, Osijek (Croatia)-Pécs
(Hungary), 27-30 November 2014

Pre-Congress Satellite Symposia of the 2014 Athens ESH meeting:

1. Obesity, diabetes and the high risk patient, Thessaloniki (Greece), 7-8 June 2014

2. Update on Resistant hypertension and related comorbidities, Athens (Greece), 11-12 June 2014


1. Paths To Treatment, Naples (Italy), September 13-14 2013

2. 5th International Conference on Fixed Combination, Bangkok (Thailand), 21-24 November 2014

3. SSIF International Conference: 2nd European-Middle East Forum on Managing Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Clinical
Practice, Istanbul (Turkey), 6 December 2013


1. 2nd International Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Hypertension and CV Prevention in Collaboration with National
Societies of Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Turkey in Athens (Greece), January 27-29, 2011

2. Bahrain Panarab and ESH Conference, Bahrain, February 11-13, 2011

3. XII International Forum for the Evaluation of Cardiovascular Care, Budapest (Hungary), March 24-26, 2011

4. 8th Mediterranean Meeting on Hypertension and Atherosclerosis, Marmaris (Turkey), April 6-10, 2011

5. Cross Examining Contemporary Issues in Hypertension: Controversy or Consensus, Barcelona (Spain), May 14, 2011

6. Pre- and Post- Congress Satellite Symposia of the ESH XXI Meeting, on 16-17 June, including one Chinese Satellite
Symposium planned in Milan (Italy), June 21, 2011

7. 6th Central European Meeting on Hypertension, Bratislava (Slovakia), October 22-25, 2011

8. World Hypertension League Regional Congress 2011 and International Symposium on Hypertension and Related Diseases,
Beijing (China), November 3-6, 2011

9. 8th Asian-Pacific Congress on Hypertension, Taiwan (Taipei), November 24-27, 2011


1. The International Conference on Early Disease Detection and Prevention, Munich (Germany), 25-28 February, 2010

2. 2nd Congress of the Serbian-Croatian Society of Hypertension, Belgrade (Serbia), 26-28 February, 2010

3. XI International Forum for the Evaluation of Cardiovascular Care, Prague (Czech Republic), 18-20 March, 2010

4. 7th Mediterranean Meeting on Hypertension and Atherosclerosis, Cappodocia (Turkey), 14-18 April, 2010

5. II Interactive Meeting on Agina, Athens (Greece), 15-16 April, 2010

6. IV Baltic Hypertension Congress-Satellite Symposium to the 20th European Meeting on Hypertension, Tallinn (Estonia),
22-24 April, 2010

7. Update ESH Guidelines – China Express Project, Beijing (China), April, 2010

8. 2nd Symposium “Blood Pressure Monitoring in Cardiovascular Medicine and Therapeutics II”- Satellite Sypmposium to the
20th European Meeting on Hypertension, Thessaloniki (Greece), 4-5 June, 2010

9. Hypertension with Subclinical and clinical organ damage: Therapeutic Approach-Satellite Symposium to the 20th European
Meeting on Hypertension, Costa Navarino (Greece), 15-18 July, 2010

10. 2nd International Symposium on Hypertension Translational Medicine in Hypertension – Croatian and Hungarian Society of Hypertension, Osijec (Croatia), 19-21 November, 2010


1. Interactive Teaching Course: Microalbuminuria, Italy, May 19, 2009


1. Prevalence, diagnosis and treatment of primary aldosteronism. Satellite Symposium of the ESH meeting, Padua (Italy), June, 2007

2. 1st International Portuguese Hypertension Meeting Villamoura, Algarve (Portugal), February 8-11,2007

3. XIth World Congress of Echocardiography and Cardiovascular Ultrasound and 1st International Congress on Hypertension
and Cardiovascular Prevention Rhodes (Greece), June 29-July 1st, 2007


1. Satellite Symposium of the ESH meeting. ‘New insights in the pathophysiology and treatment of hypertension’ Pisa (Italy),
May 24, 2006, Prof A. Salvetti

2. Satellite Symposium of the ESH meeting ‘Treating hypertensive patients with multiple risk factors’ Myconos (Greece), July,
2006, Prof. A. J. Manolis

3. XIV International Symposium on Atherosclerosis. Rome (Italy), June 18-22, 2006

4. Joint Symposium of the Czech Society of Hypertension and the Belgian Society of Hypertension, Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic), October 7, 2006

5. XXII World Congress of the International Union of Angiology. Lisbon (Portugal), June 24-26, 2006. Prof. Novo, Prof.

6. Role of ACE-inhibitors in Cardiovascular Prevention. Istanbul (Turkey), July, 6-7, 2006. Prof. S. Erdine, Prof. C. Borghi

7. 3rd Mediterranean Meeting on Hypertension and Atherosclerosis. Antalya (Turkey), 2006. Prof. S. Erdine

8. 2nd International Meeting on the Renin-Angiotensin System. Riga (Latvia), May 25-26, 2006

9. 6th Artery Meeting. Athens (Greece), September 22-23, 2006


1. 1st International Summit on Intra-Abdominal Adiposity and Related Comorbidities. Madrid (Spain), July 1-3, 2006

2. The Failing Heart Under Stress. Amsterdam (Netherlands), November, 20-22, 2006

3. 2nd Mediterranean Meeting on Hypertension and Atherosclerosis. Antalya (Turkey), April 2006. Prof. S. Erdine


1. 1st Mediterranean Meeting on Hypertension and Atherosclerosis. Antalya (Turkey), April 2004. Prof. S. Erdine