Working groups are represented on the ESH Council by Prof. Alexandre Persu (
Aims and General Rules
- New Working Groups (WGs) can be proposed to the ESH Council by experts on the basis of a clear scientific background.
- New WGs should have at least 10 founding members, from different countries.
- WGs are not permanent, they may be discontinued or merged with other WGs based on recommendations by the ESH Council.
- The WGs are represented in the ESH Council by a Coordinator in quality of Executive Officer of the ESH Council.
- Contribution and active participation to Annual ESH Meetings (see below)
- Initiation and execution of research projects
- Publication of scientific articles, reviews and position papers/ consensus documents (see website: Publications> Guidelines for ESH Position Papers)
- Identification, recruitment and support for young investigators (including Alumni from ESH Summer Schools)
- Availability to advise the ESH Council
- All members of a WG have to be ESH members.
- Request for membership in the WG should be sent to the Chairman of the WG.
Yearly report
- The WGs should provide a short written yearly report to the WG Coordinator, giving information on their activities, filled in the available template.
- This report is sent to the WG members and uploaded on the ESH website
Chairman and Vice-Chairman
- Each WG has a Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
- After 2 years, the Vice-Chairman becomes Chairman and a new Vice-Chairman is elected.
- Therefore, after 4 years the team Chairman-Vice Chairman will be changed.
- To be eligible, candidates to the position of Vice-Chairman need to be members of the WG since at least one year (with the exception of newly founded WGs).
- The Council encourages election of the Vice-chairman by online anonymous voting that will be organized by the ESH Office.
- Alternatively, the election may take place during the annual ESH meeting, provided that a majority of WG members are present.
- The names of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman are indicated on the website with their year of appointment
Contribution to the annual ESH meetings
- WGs are encouraged to contribute to the organisation of the annual ESH Meetings.
- Each WG organizes a scientific session or practical/hands-on workshop for the Annual ESH Meeting, either alone or in collaboration with other WGs, which is encouraged
- According to topics, expected attendance and available slots, 2 or more WGs may interact to organize this scientific session/workshop
- Also during the Annual ESH Meeting, each WG organises a meeting to discuss the current and future activities of the group (“business meeting”).
- The WGs are allowed to develop more detailed statutes (e.g. electing a Secretary) and to make them available on the website, provided they are in line with the rules mentioned above.