ESH Excellence Centres

The European Society of Hypertension (ESH) makes continuous efforts to manage the burden of hypertension in Europe by stimulating scientific exchange related to knowledge about hypertension, and supporting and building organizations committed to work for the control of hypertension.

The total number of approved ESH Centres of Excellence is 193 (17 of them are associated centres). The Centres of Excellence are located in 36 European countries and the associated centres in 8 non-European countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, People’s Republic of China and Venezuela).

The list of newly approved ESH Hypertension Excellence Centers is published annually in the journals endorsed by the ESH (Journal of Hypertension and Blood Pressure) and listed in the Directory of Excellence Centres.

The applications are reviewed regularly by the Excellence Centre Coordinators and officially confirmed during the ESH Annual Meeting. Please note that applications should be made using the online application form and supported by a letter of endorsement from the National Society.

All Leads of the Excellence Centres must be ESH Members in good standing. 

Applicants will be notified of acceptance and will be invited to attend the ESH Annual Meetings to receive the diploma.

Blood Pressure Control Study

Study of the European Society of Hypertension on Blood Pressure Control in ESH Excellence Centres, dedicated to Professor Alberto Zanchetti.

Scientific Steering Committee: B. Jelakovic, K. Tsioufis, E. Agabiti Rosei, G. Mancia, R. Kreutz, J. Polonia, A. Januszewicz

Safety Committee: E. Lurbe, A. Coca, D. Lovic

The most important task of the European Society of Hypertension is to improve blood pressure treatment and increase blood pressure control, thus decreasing cardiovascular risk, premature cardiovascular and renal morbidity and mortality, with in addition a reduction of health-care costs.


ESH Blood Pressure Clinics

The ESH Council considered a proposal to recognise the ESH Blood Pressure Clinics. The view of the ESH Council was that this would be best managed through the existing Excellence Centre Framework. The goal of this is to allow specialists running blood pressure or cardiovascular risk services, but without the critical mass, to become an Excellence Centre and be plugged into this ESH Framework through your Excellence Centre. We therefore invite you to consider partnering local blood pressure clinics within your area and region to engage with colleagues who in your view have high-quality clinical practice but who are outside your currently approved Excellence Centres. The coordination of the interaction with these Blood Pressure Clinics will be at the Excellence Centre level on a hub and spoke model. It would be of value for Excellence Centres to consider partnering Blood Pressure Clinics to augment capacity, as inevitably it will be attractive and more efficient for large-scale programs to engage with larger Centres who offer access to a large patient base.

Blood Pressure Clinic Registration Form