In line with the previous ESH meetings a large portion of the scientific programme was devoted to presentation of abstracts on original scientific data.
The 2013 ESH meeting also contained a broad range of clinical and experimental research papers presented in numerous state-of-the-art lectures, Plenary Sessions, Debates, How-To and other Teaching Sessions, Breakfast Workshops, Integrated Sessions for ESH Working Groups and Satellite Symposia.
Coverage of the most important scientific knowledge presented during the meeting is available here.
ESH 2013 Guidelines – presentation of the 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension.
Interviews – short in-depth interviews with ESH Leadership
Meeting Highlights – daily coverage from the largest annual research and clinical meeting on hypertension and cardiovascular protection.
Teaching Sessions – focusing on problems in hypertensive patients seen in daily practice in an excellent educational format with many take-home messages.
Satellite Symposia – coverage of the Satellite Symposia presented during ESH 2013.